Immortalized in conjunction with Cruisin Grand

Immortalized in conjunction with Cruisin Grand

Immortalized at the Distention Gallery is coming up again this year in conjunction of Cruisin Grand!! The theme and title of the show is Lipstick and Chrome. Of course we are proud to be one of the sponsors but more importantly supporting our good friend Chick Koszis and Steve Waldron who are the producers of the show!! It has such an amazing concept, some very talented artist are gathered, one being our very own and extremely talented Andy Meeh, to make a piece for the show and put it up for auction having a portion of the proceeds to go to an annual art scholarship for Palomar College students!!

The show of course is free but there is a suggested donation of 5 dollars, which will benefit our Cruisin Grand!! So of course you’ll want to come out to help benefit that as summers wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t have such an amazing weekly car show!!

So come out Friday August 11, 2017 from 6pm to 9pm, VIP pre party tickets are $20 dollars and is so worth every penny and is 5pm to 6pm VIP gets to preview all the art before the crowds accumulate and you will have drinks and food!!

The exhibition will run through August 25th so if you want the chance to see some great art you’ll have a chance to do so!!

So mark your calendars as we look forward in seeing you all there as everyone from the shop will be there with their classic cars or motorcycles showing their support!!


Jena @ HRCS